Zero Waste to Landfill and how the Mpact Composter can help
5 Reasons Why a Zero-Waste-to-Landfill Policy Benefits Your Business
A zero-waste-to-landfill policy can benefit both your business and the environment. As its name suggests, this policy aims at diverting any and all waste from ending up in landfills. This may seem like a pipe dream for many businesses, especially if operations are actively expanding. The idea is not to start by doing so completely but to gradually build stages into your operations that will allow you to move up the waste hierarchy. Here’s how doing so and introducing systems that point towards zero-waste-to-landfill can benefit your business.
1. Recouping Prior Landfill Impact
By starting to divert materials away from landfills, the business can slowly start to offset the landfill impact it has created over the years. Aside from waste costs being on the rise, more and more companies are being called to task on environmental impact, sustainability ratings and with consumers armed with social media, no company is safe from cutting corners in this regard. The less you have to throw out, the more you can offset the effect from previous years, making an actionable change to the environment in the process.
2. Practicing Fiscal Responsibility Through New Income Streams
Organic waste is a hot property in many industries and sectors today, where supply chains are starting to incorporate it into all kinds of uses related to enhancing their operations. Some of your business waste may even be beneficial to the operations of other companies, which will create an additional revenue stream that wasn’t there before. Invest in research to find out where your waste could get a second life, and from there, the opportunities for growth and repurposing are endless.
3. Creating a Positive Company Culture
No business can sustain itself without a confident, motivated and driven workforce that is ready to hit its targets and to do what it can to help reach goals on a day-to-day basis. Company culture has a lot to do with doing so, and by introducing a zero-waste-to-landfill policy you not only encourage employees to do what they can for the environment at work, but it will likely also trickle down into their home life as well. This creates a culture of caring and nurturing among the team, helps everyone to hold each other accountable, and showcases that the management cares about the greater wellbeing of the earth outside of the four walls of the office.
4. Gaining a Competitive Edge
Many companies are realising the value of having a zero-waste-to-landfill policy in their workplace. Some of your competitors may be slow to adopt, giving you plenty of time to see how doing so can improve your operations. Companies that don’t focus on improved sustainability end up paying more for waste removal, leaving a greater carbon footprint into the world, and forfeit corporate social responsibility, which may result in them being called out on social media at some point. If survival of the fittest is the name of the game, you'll be one step ahead of them sooner rather than later.
5. Enhancing Efficiency With The MPACT Composter

A zero-waste-to-landfill policy is great at enhancing the efficiency of your operations, especially if you incorporate new products and technologies like the MPACT Composter to help you do so.
Sustainable solutions require working with reputable suppliers who share similar goals, as well as a focus on products with a life cycle that includes recycling as part of the package. If you need help with creating the perfect compost heap or introducing more eco-friendly products into your operations, the MPCSA team can help you get there in no time.